
RePlay at Muse: Autumn Workshops 2020

MuSe, the Science Museum in Trento, offers a series of four workshops dedicated to Electronic Waste for both families and scientific communicators.


Muse Wider society
Saturday, 17 Oct 2020
Laptop upgrade events

With the help of IT experts, participants will be trained on electronic waste and the circular economy and on how to regenerate old electronic devices by updating software and hardware.

Muse Wider society
Saturday, 10 Oct 2020
Repair cafè

During the workshop the main techniques to find operating errors on electronic products will be shown and participants will be taught how to repair broken electronic products.

Muse Scientific communicator
Tuesday, 29 Sep 2020
E-WASTE What to do (and not to do) when using technology to teach

The training course "E-WASTE" aims to share with teachers and scientific communicators the experiences acquired by the MUSE in its seven years of teaching activity at local and international level, rethinking technologies as allies within an informal teaching based on learning through doing and trying and error.
During the workshop participants will learn how to program an engaging videogame discovering how promoting the circular economy can create social, environmental and economic benefits.

Muse Families with Kids
Thursday, 24 Sep 2020
E-Waste memory

What's inside a smartphone?
Every day we touch our smartphone on average 2600 times. We surf online, check our social accounts, work ... But do we know how they are produced? You'll discover what's hidden inside your smartphone and all the rare and precious elements that make it up.